January 4, 2022   //   Tax   //   By PKF Mueller Solutions


We are rolling out our new and improved electronic organizer and data exchange process.

1. You will automatically receive an invitation to use our paperless organizer product

  • Email invitations will go out in the first half of January 2022
  • Taxpayers and spouses will each get a separate invitation email to their respective email addresses
  • Electronic invitations will come from noreply@wolterskluwer.com
  • Check your inbox and spam folders

2. The product has some new updates

  • Tips and video snips that are built into the program

3. Click this link for an introduction video to the electronic process: (introduction video located under resources, found at the bottom of our Tax Services page).

4. Be on the lookout for additional PKF Mueller support to come by email after your invitation arrives

We look forward to working with you this tax season in making your tax preparation process as easy as possible.


Paperless saves our environment, avoids mail delays, and creates a much higher level of security for your sensitive data.